Why my car take 3 second start engine?

Remembering when it brand new i buy put my key on start less a second engine is on, now 4 yrs old i put my key on start sound

tuk tuk tuk take step 1.5 sec or 2 sec engine start

so… What happening

is it starter bad
is it battery low
is it alternator bad

i just replace 4 spark plug last week, and my battery is good condition when dealer check,

honda crv 14

It starts and runs. Most mechanics will tell you there's nothing wrong with your car. Does it start quicker when the engine is hot? If so, there's nothing wrong with it. Put a new battery if you are not satisfied.

My wife toyota 16 start quickly - bang bang
then is on, comapring mine is little diff -

really want same like her /

maybe next time i won't buy honda again and jump to toyota@

Battery may be getting tired. They usually last 3-7 years. You can get it checked out.

In the old days you had to use a crank bar to turn over motor, now they have press button,

The engine ignition runs from battery power through coil that boost electrical current, and that arcs the plug,

Battery turns over motor with starter, and that requires good charged battery, and ignition to spark that is the coil and rotor distributor, or newer electronic multi spark ignition

Other thing is fuel low grade as common may not catch as well as high grade, so next fill up try higher grade (cost more) but octane % may boost ignition time.

Its a flat battery. That clicking is the starter solenoid trying to engage…

Have you been getting the valve adjusted every 60,000 miles? All Honda's have a common problem with tight valves.
When were the spark plugs last changed?
Cycle the key on and off for 10 seconds 3 times to pressurize the fuel lines and see if that helps. If it does you have a bad check valve in the fuel pump.

Could be a low battery.

Nothing's wrong with the car. Cold weather makes starting hard and weak batteries make starting take a bit longer and winter gas run a little leaner. Nothing's wrong with the starter.