Different ways to power my computer?

I might be going to this college where the dorms won't allow you to have a power strip for fire safety reasons and I can't do that because I need more than two plugs. I do have a honda 2000 watt portable generator but I doubt that's a good idea. Any idea's?

There are splitters for outlets that are quick and easy to install. The most common is a 3 in 1 another is a 6 in 2 that just plug in to the wall outlet. If there's no fire and you remove it whenever you are out of the room who will know?

Then you have a serious problem with that dorm, and probably shouldn't live there. I can understand discouraging overloaded outlets, but not even letting you have a power strip? Impractical at the least, a wanton exposure to electric surges at worst.

And a generator? Yeah, that would not be allowed.

This is the electronic age and you need to have adequate power to use your computer, printer, charge the cell phone, desk lamp… They do not want you to use a refrigerator, pop corn cooker, microwave, slow cooker or any such high amperage devices… If it wuz me having to make this choice -- I would pass on this school as the rules and the room inspections are going to get worse === find another college or live off campus === what it sounds like to me is that those dorm rooms are already a fire hazard…

UPS, Uninterruptable Power Supply.
That will give you a few extra plugs as well as surge protection for you computer.
I seriously doubt they would let you have a generator.

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