Is Honda fit 2009 a computerized car? - 1

I just read this site and it says that modern cars have more advanced computers than the Apollo space shuttle that guided the astronauts to the moon way back in 1960's…

The capacity and speed of computers is increasing very rapidly. Even the smallest modern computers are more powerful than the computers in the Lunar Landing vehicle (the shuttle was invented and build AFTER the Apollo program).

There were many computers used to guide the astronauts to the Moon. The big ones were big things that worked from the ground (they stayed on Earth)

The computer in the Landing module is the one that amazes people: back in the 1960s, this computer was equivalent to somewhere between a Vic 20 and a Commodore 64 (1980 and 1982). The computer in the lander was faster than the C-64 (2 MHz instead of 1 MHz) but had a lot less Random Access Memory (2k RAM instead of 64k for the C-64).

On the other hand, the lander computer was pre-programmed with just about anything needed during the trip (while the C-64 needed all that RAM for the user to input the programs as they were needed).

Therefore, you could say that, in terms of efficiency, the lander computer was roughly as advanced as a Commodore 64.

ANYTHING that is more efficient than a C-64 can be considered more advanced than the lander's computer.

Any iPhone, for example.

Yes, modern cars have more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft did. The Apollo missions were not shuttles.

Your i-phone has more computing power