Found my stolen car after 3years?

So 3 years ago my Honda was stolen and insurance had payed my the money to get new car, now fast forward to today and found my old car same tags and license plate I called the police and they arrested the man and searched the vehicle… I just towed it home but but i don't know if I have to let the insurance that I had at the time know that I got my car

Your insurer owns the car. So if you fail to notify them you will be prosecuted for theft/fraud.

The insurance company owns the car since they payed you for it. You have to notify them.

It is NOT YOUR car. It belongs to the insurance company. Inform them you are now holding their property and follow instructions from them

Did you have insurance that paid for the car? If so you are not the owner of the car and they have/had the title so there's not much you can do with the car. You need to notify the insurance company and see what they want you to do.

You don't own the car. Your insurance company may be willing to sell it back to you. But if you can't make a deal, you owe them the car. And you eat the towing fee.

I suppose however, if the police let you have it, and the stolen is removed from the car, you could keep it and drove it for a long time and the insurance company would be unlikely to even know.

(Unless you tried to insure it with the same company)

You would owe back tag taxes.

If the insurance company found out about it, they could sue you and easily win.

Hell No. Finders Keepers

The vehicle is now the legal property of your insurance provider. Period.

Your insurance paid your claim so they own the recovered vehicle. Let the insurance company know and they will take possession.

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