How to fix a sticky brake lever?

I have a 2000 Honda XR100r with drum in front and back. The front brake lever is sticky. What I mean by that is when I brake the lever stays in that position when I pull it in and to disengage it I have to push it back out. How do I fix this?

What you need to do is have the brake fluids topped off and possibly bled out again. Your brake fluid system is too low.


I think that the brake pedal goes all the way to the floor, and you have to pull it back out. This probably means that you have air in the hydraulic fluid system.

This can occur when brake fluid drops due to a leak and air enters through the master cylinder reservoir. This means that you have to find the leak and bleed the brake system. The most likely cause of the brake fluid leak is leaky slave cylinders (aka wheel cylinders). Also, inspect the rubber brake hoses for leaks.

It is also possible that the master cylinder has blow-by. That is, you can put on the brake, but fluid leaks past the master cylinder ports.


Though I think that I resolved your problem (above), I'd like to also mention a few things:

There are many possible reasons for brakes to stick. Please see the websites below.

1. Hydraulic line clogged (if the rubber decayed and a chunk dislodged).

2. Sticking slave cylinder (aka wheel cylinder)

3. Dirty brake fluid.

4. Shoes need lubrication (a small squirt of wd-40 might work, but usually there's a special grease to lube them correctly, and be careful not to lube the shoe pads).

5. You don't have a problem with the emergency (aka park) brake because that is activated by a cable to the rear brakes and you have a front brake issue.

6. Master cylinder clogged or jammed.

7. Combination valve clogged or jammed.

If this is a motorcycle as I think it is likely the cable is damaged to the brakes and needs the liner removed, replaced and lubricated well.
If it is a car there are several parts that return the pedal to the top. To start off with a large spring is under the dash (coiled) that is at the top unsprung put as you push the pedal it must be forced tighter. It can be compaired to that of a mouse trap spring.
Next the brakes at each wheel are held in place with multiple springs. Several pull the pads against the wheel cylinders this pushed the brake fluid back into the master cylinder. The actual system in a brake system is hydraulic. It uses fluid under pressure to either push or pull. When the brake is pressed down by you it is like jacking up a hydraulic floor jack. When the pedal is released it is like turning the jacks "down" thus lowering the jack. The pistons inside the wheel cylinders are miniature hydraulic rams. Your brake return springs are the weight needed to push down the rams. If yhe springs are worn out thre the brakes will fail to draw back in as expected causing a drag in the brakes at that wheel.

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