Is Hyundai now considered a good car? If you compare them to Toyota, Nissan or Honda?

Is Hyundai now considered a good car? If you compare them to Toyota, Nissan or Honda?

Three55 has the perfect answer. You won't know for another 10 years. They don't have a history of building good cars, but they have improved. Still when you look at the small details like how parts are fastened, Hyundai isn't quite to par with Toyota and Honda.

Toyota cheapens every part in their cars as much as they possibly can without you knowing about it, don't be fooled.

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They have improved quite abit but are still abit cheap in many ways due to the fact that their cars cost a few grand cheaper. Reliablity is still unknown due to the fact that just 10 years ago Hyundai cars broke down all of the time. So are they good cars? Yes. But Toyota, Honda are still better in design. I mean things as little as clips inside of panels can make a huge difference 2-3 years later.

Hyundai is now considered a good manufacturer of vehicles and are almost as good as Hondas.