Most reliable car for $1,000?

I've been looking at Toyota and Honda from 1995-2004 because they get great gas mileage, but in terms of reliability who makes the best 10 year old cars?

You can't assume that either Honda or Toyota are still going to be reliable after 10-20 years. Any car that only costs $1000 is going to be old and have lots of miles -- and probably lots of problems. So don't buy on a brand's reputation for reliability. Instead, have the car checked out by a professional mechanic before you buy. The actual condition of the car right now is much more important that reputation, age, or mileage.

There isn't a "most reliable brand of $1000 car". Once a car has depreciated to the point where its sale price is as low as $1000, it has had almost all of its useful life used up. Otherwise it would be worth more. For $1000, whatever you find will likely have very high miles and/or be in very poor condition and/or need a substantial amount of work to be at all roadworthy.

The best car you're going to find for $1000 will be whichever particular car in your area that you can find in the best mechanical condition for $1000. I'd recommend forgetting about what brand it is and focus on what condition the individual example you're looking at is in. You can just as easily buy a $1000 Honda or Toyota that's minutes from needing to go to the junkyard as you can any other brand of $1000 car.

I'd place bets on Honda.

They were pretty much neck and neck 10 years ago.

There's no way possible for you to purchase a vehicle with the funds you have; the costs involved include: insurance, licensing, fuel, maintenance, emergency funds, etc, etc

1992-4 ford explorer,

I had a 93 ford explorer and that was the best car I have owned. Drivers in snow and all year round. I payed 1300 for mine in 2014 had 101000 miles

I would go with Toyota, i'm a huge ford fan and think they are great reliable cars, but it really just depends on maintenance and the previous owner.