Can't Find Neutral anymore on Pit Bike?

I have a 125cc pit bike. The engine is a honda clone, Lifan 125cc. The shift pattern is 1N23432N1. I recently took the engine apart and replaced the gear set and selector drum and forks. I put the engine back together and noticed that I do not have neutral anymore. I'm using 10w-40 full synthetic motor oil. The selector star is the same one that the engine came with when it used to have neutral. When shifted into where the neutral used to be, the bike does not freely roll like it used to. The back wheel locks up like it is in gear. I have tried rock shifting it with no success. The gears that i replaced matched up with the old ones perfectly. The shifting rod is not bent. I have no idea what is wrong.

Thats easy just hold the clutch problem fixed what's next