Honda shadow VLX 600 2007 with under 10000 miles:?

Start in mourning sit for about 8 hours then no start. New battery start once run about 30 minutes sit about 1 hour no start again. Try jump nothing!

The charging system has faults and the battery is not charging while the engine runs just off the battery, running it down.

Regulator/rectifier not functioning a weak point with Honda

Check the battery status and cable connections.
Sounds like your battery wasn't fully charged.
If nothing on a jump-start you may have blown the Main fuse.
(a jump from a car should be battery to battery, car not running).

Check the charging output. I suspect your bike is running on battery power only and runs okay until you wish to restart it.
You can try a jump start when this happens and if the engine fires up that's a good indication I'm right.

Didja know you can see the voltage go down when the battery's not being charged? Why yes, you can. If only you knew how to hook the TWO WIRES from a voltmeter onto the TWO TERMINALS of the battery. Quite the puzzle… A cheap digital aftermarket voltage display's a worthwhile add on. I found one for twelve bucks. It shows the voltage across my battery go up when the alternator really kicks in at around 2,000 rpm, and let's me know that the battery is charged up by the end of a 20 minute ride.

Check all fuses
Clean battery terminals--if you put on a new battery, check ALL wires connected, even that 18 gauge ground lead.
I left it off my Harley, thinking, oh, well, I got the big Number Four on. Dead… Nothing.

Also, borrow a DVM and check voltage when running at about 2500 revs. Should be 13.8-14,4. If below, you have a charging problem. Check all connectors, are all pins in there, not displaced? The voltage at yellow wires to reg/rect must be 20 VAC between all 3 pairs. If not, possibly shorted rectifier, , bad connection, open winding, bad tickler coil. At this point, try another reg/rect or get expert help. There's a Way to jump the tickler and see if its the RR or the stator windings, but has to be done Properly. GM alternators have a window where n insulated tool can be used to put full current to field and see.