How long before my bike overheats?

I plan on going on a 120 Mile trip tomorrow on a Honda CB300F. It's not the biggest or fastest bike, but it's my first and I was wondering if the bike could possibly over heat or get damaged at all by me staying at about a solid 70 MPH. Everything is stock about the bike

If everything is maintained properly and it is not using any oil you could ride it forever and it won't overheat - 120 miles is just getting warmed up good.

The bike's light ( abt 350 lbs) and has good hp. It'll do well on a trip like that. Let 'er rip!

As long as the bike and the cooling system in particular is in good condition, you will become tired before the bike does. It should have no problems cruising at a steady 70 MPH all day long.

You could do 1200 miles no problem.

The bikes are designed with a cooling system for a reason.

This is me with the CBR250R in a 95 mile trip. 60-80 MPH and the bike is fine just a big MPG drop of 56 MPG. It will be fine just like my 250R or my 500f

"… 120 Mile trip tomorrow on a Honda CB300F. It's not the biggest or fastest bike… "

My last long trip was from Los Angeles to Lone Pine to go camping, about 220 miles each way. Going to Lone Pine I averaged 60 mph, Going home I average 55 mph, because of heavy headwind. Yeah, a bit slower than 70, but then your 300 can do about 100 mph. My bike is a Vespa LX150 and I can nudge a hair over 65 mph. I have no overheating problem doing 90% top speed for hours. I really doubt a Honda doing 70% top speed will have any problem.