My fork seals on my Honda cbr are leaking. Obviously I'll fix it but just curious, what happens when all that oil in the forks leaks out

My fork seals on my Honda cbr are leaking. Obviously I'll fix it but just curious, what happens when all that oil in the forks leaks out - 1

A very bouncy ride

You don't get any dampening.


The oil slows the action of the spring, without it the spring returns too quickly giving you two pogo sticks rather than the smooth action that Mr Honda wanted.

The oil in the forks is the operating fluid for the front shock absorbers. If it all leaks out, you will lose the dampening action from your front suspension. You will also experience more rapid wear of the front fork assembly due to lack of lubrication.

No damping control, and that will happen a while before all of the oil has leaked, and that will result in bouncy dangerous handling.
Leaking oil can also get onto the brakes and cause brake failure and rider death/serious injury.

You have a 4 cylinder Pogo Stick! Enjoy! Don't ride in Pima County on our Awful roads!

You will Not like having No front brakes! Believe Me! Using my rear brake Only puts me in a skid!

to replace seals, suspend the frame from a tree while U remove forks. Get a piece of water pipe to fit over sliders (?) and grind one edge flat. Use it to tap new seal into place.

You can soak the pads in gas overnight, then dry in a 150 degree oven two hours and they will be all right.

REF: My seals went as my bike sat 11 years and is 33 yo. Leak wasn't too bad but ruined front brakes. Put rubber gaiters on to help protect new seals.

Oil dampening keeps the wheel from bouncing…
You will end up with a Harley Springer quality ride.

You will have no damping at the front and will pogo all over the road, bottom out the forks etc and all the benefits that will bring to your (potentially much shorter) life. Forks wear will be accelerated slightly and oil will dribble all over the lower half of you front wheel, brakes, tyres and other stuff.

Besides all the correct answers you have received in addition the fork tubes will get badly scratched and need to be replaced as seals will no longer work