Need advise for a New Biker?

I bought a Honda passion pro bike. ( 4 gears, Back). Now I'm practicing now to ride…

My question is… While approacing a speek breaker, in which gear we have to be? I Almost learnt to ride the bike. But this is being the only challenge.

Normally I ride the bike in 3rd gear most of the time since I'm a beginer…

so while approaching a speed breaker…

If I cross the speed breaker in 2nd gear and when I try to pick up speed again, the bike jerks and the engine stops.

And If I cross the speed breaker in 1st gear, the engine rores heavily before I shift the gear to 2 or 3…

So My question is, in which gear we have to cross the speed breaker? 1st or 2nd?

Please don't refer to yourself as a "biker" if you ride a Honda Passion Pro. You are a rider or motorcycle enthusiast, but not a biker by any means.

You need to be in the right gear for the speed you're travelling at. If you fall into a gap between gears at your preferred speed, then increase or reduce your speed accordingly.