Where can I find a good reference for how to change my Honda cb500 Four motorcycle oil and filter?

I have a 1973 (i think) Honda cb500 motorcycle and want to change the oil and filter but am unsure of how.

I believe your best bet would be to search Amazon.com for a maintenance/repair manual for your 40+ year-old motorcycle. Just type in "Honda CB500 Manual" at the top of the page and you should find several books that will guide you through service and repair


Here are some youtube videos. They may not be of your exact bike, but they should be similar enough to give you an idea of what to do.

It's the soul of simplicity. Filter is on the front of the engine. Its obvious. Oil plug is located at the bottom of the oil pan, also obvious. After you have drained it into an appropriate receptacle, put the plug back in, dump a fresh quart into it and let sit for twenty minutes. Drain that as well. You will be out the cost of a full quart of oil, but you will be shocked at how much more crud gets flushed out with it. Also, change the oil before storing the bike for the winter. You don't want dirty oil to settle during storage.