Personalized license plate ideas?

I want a cool personalized license plate but I don't what to make it.
My name is Britt
I drive a Honda
I'm 21
I'm a country girl
Birthday may 22
My eyes are blue
My brown is brown
Anybody have any ideas?

How about "horn broken, watch for finger" -or- "spitter". The latter will keep tailgaters off your bumper…

On the PC side - "cowchick", "clean", "britty", "blueye"…

WTH is my "brown is brown?" Do you have a limit on characters?


BRTLVSCNTRY? It's sort of like Britt Loves Country. Play around with it.

It will only be "cool" to you, nobody else will care what you have so go with what you want.

If I can Google then you can Google. We all can Google. Start Googling.

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