Is $800 a lot for a power steering flush?

I went to my local mechanic, said it could use a flush due to my car being really hard to steer at times, and told me it would be $800 for a complete flush for my '03 Honda Pilot. Should I look somewhere else?

$8.00 for a power steering flush would be ridiculous!

It isn't necessary, and won't accomplish a thing except make someone $800.00 richer!

Your trouble most likely is a $22.00 sensor!,carcode,1429332,parttype,7408

If you wish to "flush" the fluid, get a turkey baster and suck out all the fluid you can in the reservoir, then fill with new fluid. Do that every hundred miles or so, and in a few days or couple of weeks you will have flushed as well as they would!

Power? No idea but way ro much money.

I would say yes their should be some one that could do it for way less.

An example of a hydraulic p/s system flush… He puts the return line in a bucket.
he plugs the reservoir outlet.
he cranks it over, when jacked up, and cycles the steering left and right, stopping to fill the reservoir with new fluid.
Labor, fluid, and cleanup, as well as hoses and plugs used for the procedure.
Do the math.
But he has not addressed the cause of increased steering effort, or explained it.
What does his written estimate actually say?
What parts are listed on the written estimate?
Go see him for your answers OR get it looked at by honda for a diagnosis. Period.
In my state, you have a right to a written estimate for any repair that exceeds a flat amount preset by the law.
If you don't communicate or follow the process, you get yourself confused.
You both forget what the other says. Your expectations are not known to anyone but you.
Does the car actually have a recommendation for anything in it's owners manual?
Does the car have the parts and fluid in use for flushing to be required?
I don't flush my korean car, because it's not equipped.
I don't flush my american truck, because it is not made of aluminum hydraulic parts, and does not overheat the fluid.
On my mercedes I have a p/s filter to replace.
I don't flush my toyota, because it's not equipped.

What did honda say was required for your vehicle?
I can't see your car from here but you should identify the parts in use and understand his diagnosis and his written estimate.

A fool soon parts with there monies… No, you shouldn't flush for $800… Max $69 bucks if that… P/S is simple to change or flush

As someone mention earlier use a turkey baser

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