What is the average price for oil change and tire replacement for Honda dealership?

What is the average price for oil change and tire replacement for Honda dealership?

It will be very expensive because it's at a dealership. Far more sensible to ask a garage/shop to do it and visit a tyre fitting place to buy the tyres. Shop around for tyres as there's competition. Fit Michelin if you can as there's no better tyre.

Probably $500. And those would be low priced tires

$25 - $35 with coupon; $65 + w/o coupon. Tire replacement - depends on the brand of tire plus labor charge.

For tires, it would depend on the size as well as make/brand of tires. A low-end tire that fits a Honda Fit will be far less expensive than a high end tire for a Honda Pilot or Ridgeline for example.

Ohh, a lot. The dealership is always the most expensive way to get anything done. I remember a few years ago when I was at my local Toyota dealership, trying to buy some touch-up paint. There was an elderly woman there asking about her bill, which had a bunch of stuff on it, and was obviously expensive. I wanted to tell her, you have to ask them about all this stuff BEFORE you sign off on the repairs. After, it's too late. They'll be happy to explain it to you, but you are on the hook for every single thing.

$800 for $500 job.