Why don't i get any response of my 2004 honda 400 ex when i accelerate?

When i let the clutch completely out it moves slowly but when i accelerate it doesn't go faster but i can hear the engine, and also its estrange that it doest tuen off when i let the clutch out without accelerating. Can some one give me a tip of what's wrong with it, is it the clutch and i need a new one? If so what would be a good option, thanks

It could be one of these…(See video below on how it's supposed to accellerate) 1. The clutch is slipping 2. You are simply not winding it high enough on the tachometer… Let it wind out more before you accellerate 3. It could be the carb is dirty I suggest getting a product in a little can called SEAFOAM but only put a capful as its very strong and can ruin your atv. Put it in a full tank of gas you will feel the power it cleans out the carbs and gas.

Simple answer- the clutch needs adjusting or the clutch plates need replacing.

Not as simple answer- guess I could look up the Honda 400 EX is see if it is cable or hydraulic but feel lazy.
Either way doesn't matter because one or the other needs some help and you don't understand simple chores that need attending to.
Read The Art Of Motorcycle Maintance to understand or miss the whole point.
OR PAY MONEY to a mechanic to fix easy chores.

Slipping clutch… Replace.