93 honda accord won't go up?

My 93 honda accord window will go down but not up. After sitting 8 or so hours it will eventually go up. Any ideas on what the problem could be.

Assuming electric windows, the window motor is about dead and needs replacement.
Get some spray silicone lubricant at an auto parts store, and using the spray straw, and the window down, spray the window channels from top to as far down as you can with the spray. This will make it easier for the motor to do its job. Spray all the window channels.

Either the window actuator or motor itself is tired and needs to be replaced.

The window motor needs replacing. It has lost some of it's power and can't raise the window.

Either the track friction is too much (very common in that era Honda) or the plastic gear in the regulator has a bad spot. Spray the rubber channels with silicone spray and see if it works. If not, a regulator from a wrecking yard (I paid $75 for my daughter's 1993 Accord regulator) is more affordable than a new one (over $200.)