I lost the keys to my 2003 Honda Pilot, can I get a replacement at the dealership or what can I do?

I lost the keys to my 2003 Honda Pilot, can I get a replacement at the dealership or what can I do? - 1

Yes - Honda dealer will be able to help

You'll need to have the vehicle towed to the dealer so they can program the new KEYS (as in plural.2 keys) to the immobilizer ECU. You'll probably need the title to prove it's your ride. They have a special key cutter that will make a new key using the VIN number. After you end up spending all this money don't put yourself through it again by only getting one key!

Yes, Honda dealership can help BUT they need to see the registration papers and your drivers license to be sure the car belongs to you(so picture I.D. Is preferable)and they need to see the car(so that means tow truck) as it has certain serial numbers on it in different areas to narrow the search for the correct key.
This is to prevent thieves from stealing a nice ride off the road and getting keys made for it just by "saying it is their wheels" without giving proof.
. The dealership has to protect its own interests. It does not want to deal with Lawsuits because it indiscriminately cut keys for everybody for your car.
Also, too; they can test out the replacement key right away to be sure they got the right one for that car.

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