1993 honda Transmission adjustment or replacement?

Hi, I have a 1993 honda accord automatic with almost 191,000 miles on it. I just got the car running after it had been sitting for quite sometime (unknown exactly) about 2-3 years at minimum. (Automatic transmission) When I put it in drive there's a short delay in the trans about 4 secs and then when it accelerates it varies on when It will shift making the car shake and stutter or rev up to about 3-4 Rpm's. What I have been doing when it does this is just trying to lightly shift it by releasing and then pressuring the gas gently until I feel the shift over. It does this for any gear switching depending on how fast I'm going. In my opinion I was assuming a flush and fill as well as filter change might help but I'm unsure any thoughts?

Sat for minimum of 2 years? Wow. OK, so every rubber seal and O-ring in the transmission has a flat spot on it from sitting so long, fluid is leaking past where it shouldn't internally. Go to the auto-parts store and get some Swell-a-Seal, which is basically just lacquer thinner. This will soften the rubber parts, MAYBE without destroying them. Put in half of what package calls for, drive for a week ( not too far ), if it helps some, fine. If not, put in the rest and cross your fingers. If it works, drain the trans., change the filter and re-fill w/ Ford Type F transmission fluid, that is the "coarsest" readily available fluid and will improve shifts. Best of luck.