1994 Honda accord oil leak?

I have constantly had an oil leak that won't go away. It leaks about 1 quart every three days. Oil filter is good and so is drain plug. 1994 Honda accord oil leak - 1

If you can't find a leak that serious something is wrong. That's a bad leak. Even a half *** mechanic should be able to find that.

Buy a UV light http://www.autozone.com/...121039_0_0 and some UV oil dye http://www.autozone.com/...835775_0_0. Put it in, drive for a few minutes and light it up to show the leak.

Most likely places for oil to leak include:

Oil drain plug
Oil pan gasket
Oil filter
Front main seal
Rear main seal
Timing cover (if timing chain driven)
Valve cover gaskets
PCV valve
Dipstick tube
Oil cooler (if equipped)
Turbocharger oil feed line (if equipped)

Hi so what else would most expect from such an old car it will burn oil as well being now some 23 years old. Designed to last just 8 years. It has lasted 3 times longer than intended.

Well than where is the oil leaking from? If you can't tell don't you think it best to have a mechanic check it out instead of wasting all that money on oil?! It shouldn't cost anything to have a shop give you an estimate to fix it.

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