1999 Honda Accord not willing to start sometimes?

I have a Honda Acorrd 1999 and i recently got a new Catalic converter and Co2 cable put in my car becasue before that i had my check engine light on and that is what the car told was the problem then of course i whent and got it fixed and the mechanic re progammed my check engine light so that it would notice that the problem was fixed and aslo before that my car was having problems starting also, So the mechanic told me that it could be the problem with it not staring so know after having that fixed and the check engine light not turning back on the car is still having problems starting. I notice that it only does it say if i drive to the store go back home go somewhere else and then go to get in my car not even 10 min later and then my car won't start but yet if i drive somewhere and then let the car sit for a while i never have a problem. I had a car person liten to my car when it wouldnt start and he listneded and couldnt hear the fuel pump turn on he kept saying he couldnt hear it and that it wasn't the battery that was fine, then after about 10 min the car started right up and the fuel pump started and sounded fine at the same time though when my car wouldnt start you could smell the gas coming from my car i guess thats what everyone was saying, and another weird thing is that when you try to pull codes off of my car the car has to be turned on even the mechanic thought that it was weird my car has 194,000 miles on it and i just recently got it last month please help…

Check into the two most notorious causes of fail to start for your Accord in the same era:
The Main relay:

The Ignition switch:

Hope it help. HTH