Can I get info on how to replace the front drivers side wheel bearing on a 2001 Honda Accordex v6?
Can I get info on how to replace the front drivers side wheel bearing on a 2001 Honda Accordex v6?
- On my 2001 Honda 300ex, I'm replacing the lower steering bearing. How far in does it go until fully seated? I can't seem to get it any farther than flush with the top of the seat. I've tapped it in with a same size socket and it won't go any farther, but it seems like there's still room… How far in does it go?
- How much to replace a headlight and a drivers side panel on an older honda? I'm only 16, saturday night was homecoming. I was driving a bigger truck and didn't turn wide enough when pulling out and my tire clipped his driver side panel and ripped out headlight. I know the kid and his front bumper was already gone before I hit it. How much do you think itll cost in all to fix?
- Honda integra type R 2001? Any info? Looking at a first car, i'm an enthusiast and this car looks amazing for a p plate legal car. Anyone with experience with it?
- Wheel bearing. Which side? I have a 2004 Honda civic LX and i was wondering which side is the back of the bearing and which side is the front that faces the outside? There's a black side and a silver side on each.