Honda accord 2001 seconds delay in acceleration at low speeds?

I have a 2001 accord ex coupe with 145000 miles on it the car has a acceleration problemas When pressin on the gas too fast it feels like the car has a second delay for gas but it doesn't affect acceleration if i do press on the gas pedal slowly it doesn't do it, also i hear a tickin sound coming from underneath the car like on the middle of both rear tires. If anyone can help i would appreciate it also the car does that delay at slow speeds once i hit 45 doesn't really do it well sometimes is rare if it does what could it be?
I changed the spark wires, spark plugs, oil change, transmission fluid. A friend of mine said his jetta did the same thing and it ended up being some hoses connected to the fuel pump. As I said it drives and shifts smooth

Its usually caused by a intermittent fault in the tps(throttle position sensor)dirty fuel filter, carbon buildup on the inside edges of throttle body. When you're pushing the pedal slowly, the tps is moving gradually for a steady voltage signal but when you accelerate rapidly, there may be a dead or loose spot on the sensor mechanism and it causes a erratic voltage signal to be sent to the computer. The throttle blade may be hanging up on its outer edge if carbon is built up so when you step on the pedal rapidly, it hangs before moving on to its wot position causing the delayed throttle response.A dirty maf sensor is another likely candidate.Remove sensor from its housing, use electrical contact cleaner or maf cleaner, spray it on a qtip, very very carefully clean the little heated wires that are exposed, when done using the qtip hold the spray can several inches away from the wires then spray, let sensor air dry, then reinstall.Road grime builds up on these wires causing inaccurate voltage signal

Brockstar is on to something with the throttle but, you have a cable, not a tps. Check the slop in the throttle cable, check the movement of the throttle plate.

Vacuum leak. Take it to a shop.