How much longer do you believe my car will last me?
I've had my car for a little more than three years. It's a Honda accord 1993. It never had no major problems. My only concern is how it is eating up/leaking oil. My dad helps me keep up on my tires, brake shoes, ect. But everywhere i park ii leaves oil spots underneath my car. But other than that I've never had it break down or nothing. A couple of odd noises here and there but no noises lately. I'm just wanting someone else's opinion.
PS I know i asked this question twice, i put the wrong year of the car and couldn't change or delete the question.
8 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 14 hours, 1 minutes, and 33 seconds from…
No one can really tell, we don't know the maintenance history or how it's driven.
Check the oil level every time you add fuel, keep it properly filled. Or, get the leak fixed.
Honda's are very reliable.
Get underneath or get a mechanic to put it up on his ramp and find out where the leak is and what it'll take to fix it. If it's fixed, it'll probably go on for a long time if maintained properly though I don't know about the "odd noises". Hondas are normally very reliable.
Why do you care? It has no value so scrap it and buy another cheap car without oil leaks.
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