How often do you replace your cars?
I have 1999 Honda Accord that I msintain snd get serviced regularly and I was told by mechanic that it is in very good condition for its age. Its very reliable so i refused to get sell it as long its still reliable. Do you like to switch cars very few years?
I keep my vehicles until they can't be repaired any more. I'm a mechanic so there's no such thing as can't be fixed. Unless its in an accident I will not get rid of my vehicles. They are all paid for and do what I need them to do. I have a dodge ram 2500 v10, it only hauls things and goes to the dump and does side work when I have it. I bought it for 500 bucks and fixed it up. I have a 2012 Kawasaki ninja 650 that I ride every day to and from work (Saves me hundreds in gas) as long as its not raining, or freezing outside I ride it everywhere. If I can't ride the bike, I take my 03 vw passat. Or if my wife and I go out we take the VW. My wife has a 03 Toyota Camry which is her car. She doesn't drive the other ones. Every vehicle that we have is well maintained and look great. Except my truck, its a little beat up (previous owner) but everything works on it and it does what I need it to do. You will save more money just keeping what you have instead of constantly getting another car. I know many people and most of them have a different car every year or two and there forever broke. They make more money then me but never have any because of it. The best car on earth is one that works and is paid off. Word of advice, learn to fix your own things, will save you more money and your always honest with yourself. Repair shops aren't. And yes every vehicle I have is paid off. I have no vehicle loans I have always paid for them in full because I never took loans out.
While the novelty of a brand new vehicle every couple of years would be nice, I'm more practical and will drive my cars until the repair bills exceed the realistic market value for the vehicle.
If the car is running fine and you're happy with it, why pay for another car?
Only when I can no longer maintain them, usually due to rust damage (live in the North).
Only when i'm rich
I drive them till the body rots away in Up State NY (salty Winter highways).
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