How tp replace transmission axle bearing on 2001 honda accord?
How tp replace transmission axle bearing on 2001 honda accord?
Remove transmission from vehicle. Remove all bolts holding transmission together. Open transmission up and replace bearings. Re-assemble. Mine are loose and are not going to be replaced. The local shop says it's cheaper to just replace the tranny.
- On my 2001 Honda 300ex, I'm replacing the lower steering bearing. How far in does it go until fully seated? I can't seem to get it any farther than flush with the top of the seat. I've tapped it in with a same size socket and it won't go any farther, but it seems like there's still room… How far in does it go?
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- What is the material composition of a vehicle's axle? A general composition will do, but if anyone knows the composition of a 2003 Honda Accord LX 3.0L front axle that would be best. I'm doing a case study project in my material science class. I assume it is a type of steel, but don't know what kind. I also assume it is heat treated. If anyone knows the treatment process it goes through that would also help.