I have a 97 honda accord cranks but won't start has spark to all ciyinders and fuel?

I have a 97 honda accord cranks but won't start has spark to all ciyinders and fuel?

What about AIR?
- engines only need three things

Check compression, ignition timing, and verify fuel is being delivered through the injector at the proper rate.

  • 2004 Honda Pilot Cranks but won't start if I press the gas when starting it starts.Engine lights is off,? Maintenance required is on but when I reset the lights turned off and everything works for now? What would be the problem? 1. I'm thinking it is the Timing belts slips 2. Relay maybe lose 3. Crank position sensor lose What would be the reason trying to get opinion and will look into it whatever is the best possible problem.
  • My 98 Honda Civic Cranks But Won't Start? One day when I was driving my car my water hose popped off and wet everything underneath my hood. We pulled to the side of the road and put the pipe back on and refilled the water. The next day it started to over heat so I pulled over and let my boyfriend check the water after the car being parked for a little bit It didn't want to turn back on.
  • 94 honda civic cranks but won't start? Gets fuel has compression has spark fuel pump works main relay good just replaced distributor engine is correctly timed. Was driving vehicle took a right turn and the car shut down. Won't start back up. Thought it was the distributor so I replaced that and still no start. This civic does not have vtec. 16 valve engine Cranks but won't start any ideas
  • My car cranks but won't start? My Honda Accord 2001 doesn't wanna start up. At least I thought it was the battery, but it's still fairly new (only a few months old) and I brushed off the corrosion off of the cables. I'm not sure if it could be my spark plugs. I also haven't drove it in a while since I been waiting on parts to have it fixed, maybe a month or so since I drove it and there's still half a tank of gas in it. Is there anything I can do about it?