I'm wondering what the best way to live out of your car on a country round trip would be?

I have a 2002 suburban and am wanting to go on a trip around the country with my amazing dog. I'd like to know cool spots and if anyone else has done this on what kind of budget. How much would this cost to do for 10 to 12 months. And any advice on how to have the most fun living in a car. I have an opportunity to get a 2012 Honda Accord for better gas mileage although I don't think that's suitable to sleep in or haul around a whole bunch of stuff. I'm a young female so I'd be carrying a weapon if I get approved for a license to carry.

You would be foolish to do this.

Be careful if you DO get approved for a "license to carry." NO state issues a "universal carry permit" that is valid in ALL states. No matter where your permit is issued, it won't be accepted as legal everywhere you go. Laws vary from state to state, and even in different cities. Check the weapons laws BEFORE you cross over into another state or jurisdiction.

I'd ditch the suburban in favor of a minivan.

Double the mileage, lots of space with back two rows of seats out.

Cost depends on how you go about it. Could spend $5000, could spend way more.

Pack up your car and little doggie and spend a weekend in the most isolated spot you can find.
Then reconsider your plans on Monday morning

Day 1:
- Drive to your destination
- Find a hotel room

Day 2:
- Drive to your destination
- Find a hotel room

etc, etc

Check out Tiny Tear Drops campers- small easy to tow behind cars, pickups. Sold tops with bed and kitchen supplies, not much else. Look at Good Sams RV site for some small RVs and camper area. KOA has network of camps and most states will have mapping apps for available rough and improved campsites. Suburban with trailer hitch and smallest Coleman 6.5 popup camper for bedding, camp gear, cooking while inside of suburban is measured for bedspace. Folding cot and small tent can be used many campgrounds and small to pack- I used to use that for motorcycle rallies. Army cot and canvas top for Falling Leaf autumn rally where frost on ground in morning was normal, snow fall when going back home 2 of 3 times. Small cooler for perisables, small charcoal grill or pack packers stove to heat water, dried food packs and canned spam, plus some dog food, extra water bottles and couple hundred in cash, good credit card, some emergency phone contacts and a network of possible crash sites, helpers- if no Motorcycle club directory, then maybe church? Seat that leans back and couple fluffy blankets to take long naps will work for many- take 3 pairs of socks and couple changes of underwear, coin purse for laudramats or small plastic bucket to do some quick wash and rinse. Baby wipe packs with soap, alky gel good for quick clean. @ spare tires, small jack and good lug wrench, couple quarts of engine poil, some extra tranny fluid, anti freeze, windshield washer fluid for vehicle. Try a couple of weekends first - 100 to 200 miles and overnight stay in Wallmart parking lot if nothing else. Have a lawyers phone # handy, medical insurance card, any meds needed should be listed on note from doctor on office letterhead. Plan route, figure once a week at least a days stay to clean up some, rest, restock, check vehicle. Money may be a problem- source of income is handy- social Security works for some, unemployment benefits direct deposit may be for younger people and some money making opportunities completely legal may exist on road.

Fun? That's funny. Lookit

A mini van. Divide 1/2 the back for your bed area. The other 1/2 your cooler box, stove fold up table cloth storage. Use a camp ground at least every other night for shower & such. Do as much of your own cooking as possible. If not traveling far each day. & to see things. Figure $75 a day in cost. Travel is not cheap. No gun! You also need set up money to set up the van to travel. Parking safe can be a problem. Rest area 1 night. Camp ground, W Mart lot the next night. Not the safest.