Is 300,000 miles on a 1998 Honda accord bad?

I'm trying to buy a car and found one with 300,000 miles on it for $3,200, but i have been told that it isn't worth it.

I agree with the others. I wouldn't quail at 200K miles but at 300K it is best suited to a new driver who needs a disposable car. I could see $1000 if the timing belt was recently changed, but only $500 if not.

That's too many miles for the price it's being sold don't even think about looking at it It's just too much

Honda has a good reputation of reliability… But all those opinions come from people who put less than 75k miles on cars before selling them. At 300k miles, that car is used up and ready to be recycled.

Honda makes decent short term cars… For the first 150k miles or so, they just run with very few problems (except the common issue of timing belts). After 150k, though, they are disposable cars. It could last another 10 years, or it might only last another 10 miles, and they become money pits after 150k miles.

Buy it by the pound thats all its worth. $150.00

That car is worth no more than $500 max, 300,000 on a 98 is insanely high. For over $3,000 usd just walk away.

300K is pretty much maxed out. It may be in fine condition for now but I would expect it to begin to break down. True, some cars that are well cared for can last for double that but those are rare exceptions. Try to find one with less than 200K. That will insure you some usefulness for a while.

Google "used car value calculator" you can enter all the features the car has and the mileage and it will calculate the worth. I wouldn't pay that much for such a car though.

Pay no more that $800-$1200 tops on that car! No way in heck is it worth $3200

Though Honda makes some of the best engines in the automotive world they too have the limits. 300k is a ton of miles even on a Honda that has been properly maintained throughout the years. And for $3,200? That is a joke. A grand, maybe.