Is this a guaranteed way to get around a court order to have an ignition interlock device on your car?

I'm not someone who would ever drink and drive, I'm just curious about the scenario.

Say that I was convicted of a second or subsequent DUI, and was ordered to have an ignition interlock device installed on my car for a set period of time after my regular suspension is up, but I don't want the embarrassment of my friends seeing it.

And let's say that appointment for install is today.

But of course that's for the car the court knows about. They know I have a 2006 Nissan Altima. What they don't know is I'm heading to the Honda dealership this tomorrow to see if I can't make a deal for a brand new Honda Accord.

And the dealership takes care of plates, titling and registration on site, so I wouldn't even have to go to the DMV, where they might notice the requirement. Then I just drive the new car when I'm with company.

In the hypothetical scenario I had a DUI, how does the salesman at the dealership know about it?

The salesman probably will not know anything about it. There's a good chance the DMV will flag it since they share driving and vehicle license information in most states.

Even if you got past all of that, if you were stopped for any reason driving without the IID, then you would be arrested on the spot. The officer will see that information.

At least in Pennsylvania, your driver's license will have the banner "restricted license." Also, the interlock system is documented in the Department of Transportation website.

What a fool. YOU don't have to go to the DMV but the dealer DOES. If the dealer does it on site, they do it via connecting to DMV computers. The dealer will be told, sorry, you can't register this vehicle without proof that an interlock device has been installed.

The court will know and your license could be suspended for not complying.

No, that is a guaranteed way to get caught. When the dealership can take care of the plates, titling, and registration, they tell the DMV who is buying the car, so the DMV will notice, the same as if you went in person. Also, they can't take care of it until they verify that you have insurance, and your insurance company definitely knows about it. And using a different insurance company won't work either, because the insurance company checks your record and will see that you had a second DUI and will know about the requirement.

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