Can a 2000 Honda Accord be able to pull a little pop up camper?

My dads friend has a camper up north and is willing to pay him and i to go get it, the only vehicle we have to use is my car which is a 2000 Honda accord sedan 2.3 engine. Its about 25-30 hwy mpg.
I do have a hitch i can put on it, i took it off due to lowered problems.
I do have a fully adjustable suspension kit that i can high adjust along with the damping of it. I was going to raise the back to compensate for the weight of the trailer. My only question is can that car hand a drive from Minnesota back to Florida with a little pop up trailer?

93 Honda Accord bad transmission with D4 light?

So I have a 93 Honda Accord LX with 288k miles and I'm starting to have an issue with the transmission. I know the car and especially tranny are old so I can expect problems, but this is my project car and I want to find what the transmission problem is before putting a new one in. Okay so the problem happens sometime, like 2-3 times a week, when I'm driving around for a while and come to a complete stop. When I try to take off from the stop the transmission would "slip" and the car will rev up to 2000 rpm and will feel like it lost power. If I keep stepping on it like that it will jerk and resume normal operation after like 5 seconds. When this happens at a stoplight I usually put it in D1 and it will take off normally and I will manually shift through all the gears with no problem. The D4 light also flashes constantly while driving when it happens. I want to know if this is a transmission control unit problem, torque converter problem, bad transmission in general or some other shift solenoid or sensor. I have put in Lucas stop slip and it helped for a month, but then started again. I also noticed the tranny fluid is really dirty and dark. Maybe a tranny fluid change with Lucas stop slip might help, what do you think?

Is Toyota Corolla really worth as a first car?

I'm an 18 year old guy, soon to be looking into a first car, and my sister drives a 2001 Corolla. Her car is many, many problems and is causing her and my dad a lot of money for fixing. She only drives her car to a train station about 10 mins away from our house, and she takes the train to work. So she doesn't drive the car enough for it to depreciate quickly.

A Honda is definitely not an option for a first car because they are one of the most expensive cars to insure according to my insurance company as a result of their safety crash test ratings and so on. Corolla is too, but I can have my dad pay for half he insurance until I get a car that's cheap to insure.

Added (1). @Anne. I thank you for your response to my question. You do have a point indeed. Any car that is that old will eventually depreciate. My cousin told me that BMWs are cheaper to insure than both Honda and Toyota, because some of them drive BMWs and are mechanic, they know alot about carss. And they are, however, Although they encourage me to drive BMW as well because of its safety and reliability, I'm looking into something that's cheaper to insure, reliable and safe. And affordable.

How to transfer data from a Word doc into Excel using rules?

I have a Microsoft Word document with an extensive amount of data in it. I need to take that data and merge it into an Excel format for filtering, generating data, etc. I know there's a simple way to merge a Word document into Excel, but I want to setup rules so when the Word doc merges, the data is extracted and organized in the Excel format.

As an example (this is not the actual data I'm trying to extract), I have a word document with the data in the following format:

make: "Honda"
model: "Accord"

make: "Honda"
model: "Civic"

make: "Hyundai"
model: "Accent"

So basically I want the data from the Word doc to import the [Make] information into one Excel column and the [Model] information in another (again, this is just used as an example).

Can anyone help?

I have a 96 honda accord lx 2.2L I'm having a leaking problem?

The housing that my upper radiator hosee connects too is leaking i don't know if there's a gasket that is suppose to go there because I took it off to replace the thermostat but the thermostat is in the housing that the lower radiator hose connects too is there a gasket to the housing that the upper radiator connects too it didn't leak until I took it off let me know if there's a certain name for that housing thank you. I have a 96 honda accord lx 2.2L I m having a leaking problem

97 honda accord engine noise?

97 honda accord engine noise. What would cause this noise in my engine?
Here is a video link of the engine and the sound it's making.

How much is a 99 accord worth with bad transmission?

My 99 US built honda accord has about 176k miles. The transmission is bad and HAS to replaced. It also burns oil and could use a new muffler. I'm interested in selling it to someone I know who is willing to fix it for himself. What is my car worth? What can I give it to him for?

Added (1). **note**
it does still run!

Added (2). KBB lists the car in fair condition (about what it would be with a better transmission) at $1800, and I was quoted $1100 for a transmission and installation.