Rock quiz for the 1D & T.Swift fans?

I think for the perspective's sake, you guys oughta take this little quiz & see how well you know music of the past. No Googling now…

1) Jimi Hendrix was well-know for playing
a) the tuba
b) a Honda accordion
c) guitar
d) the banjo

2) Name the trio Eric Clapton was part of in the '60s
a) Peaches & Herb
b) The Kingston Trio
c) Peter, Paul & Eric
d) Cream

3) Finish the lyric:

"… And she's buying a ____"

a) used car at Marty's
b) Maytag washing machine
c) Black & Decker nail gun
d) Stairway to heaven

4) According to The Rolling Stones, they can't get no?

a) sleep
b) relief from lower back ache
c) satisfaction
d) R-E-S-P-E-C-T

5) Name all 4 Beatles:

a) Jermaine, Micheal, Tito, & Otis
b) John, Paul, George & Richard
c) Cletus, Leroy, Slappy & Skillet
d) Aretha Franklin

Does my car have a bad battery or does it have a bad alternator?

I drive a 2005 Honda Accord Coupe. I've had this car now for about 2 1/2 years. Since I've had it, I have had to replace the battery twice. Once a year after I got it and again a few months ago this year. Recently, like the past 2 months or so it would die at least once a week after I got a charge, took it to autozone to see if the battery was bad about a month ago, turns out the connection was actually loose. Didn't have a problem after I got that problem solved ever since. Now, last week the battery dies once again, this time, the car is not even powering on to crank. I have to manually open the door because the battery is so dead not even the auto unlock on my key works. At this point I'm starting to think the alternator is going bad but I'm not exactly sure. I know when I took it to Autozone about a month ago they told me the battery was fine. I checked all my connections and everything is still nice and tight so It's definitely not that. I jump started it last night, drove it around the block just to keep the car running for a while, I come out this morning it is completely dead again. Not cranking or anything. Any ideas of what it could be? I plan on getting it tested but I just need to know so I can start looking up parts and getting quotes.

What does it mean when the battery light comes on an the car is harder to steer?

04 honda accord.

only problem is the electric system.
i mean, i have to punch the left headlight to turn it on.

but today during the rain, i saw the battery light turn on and then when i made a left turn, the steering wheel was harder to turn.
like something was stuck between the wheel or something. But then the wheel was back to normal like nothing happened.
i remember hearing noises like a whimpering dog in pain. But no dog.
maybe something broke?

i don't have power steering.

How to fix a Positive Battery Terminal that is cracked in half on a 2005 Honda Accord?

So basically, my cars been dead for the past few days and I finally went and tried to boost it up this morning with my girlfriends car. For some reason, it was not holding a charge and my car was still not turning on after leaving the jumper cables on for a few minutes. I adjusted them and the car started to get a charge but it wouldn't crank all the way on. So I went back to my batter and noticed that the positive terminal is cracked in half. Not the clamps but the actual silver nipple looking thing on the actual battery. I'm not exactly sure if that's what's causing it not to hold a charge but if it is, is there anyways I can replace it or fix it? I know it's alittle hard since it's on the actual battery but I don't know much about cars lol so I'm not sure if you can actual take those off and replace or fix them.

98 Honda Accord stuck in park! How do you diagnose the problem?

I recently was messing with the instrument cluster, changing the bulbs and all that. Two days later after work, i turned on the car all fine but couldnt get it in reverse! It was like i wasn't pressing on the brake, the shifter wouldnt budge!

I looked up online and i stuck a flathead in the shift release thing. I finally got it in reverse, i thought it was a one time thing since i had used my car a couole of times that day. However the next day it happened again! And its been happening more frequently!

I checked my brake lights to see if they were working and they are. I checked the 7.5 back up/intrument fuse, but it seemed ok, the other important fuse under the hood seems fine, but it is popped up higher than the other ones labled "40" i don't know if it is supoosed to do that? The one thing under the wheel above the pedals (brake pump pressure? I forgot what ts called) is the one thing i haven't checked since i don't know how to check it.

The shifter works fine at times, but other times it gets stuck, and i have to stick a flathead in the shift release to get my car to move. Is there something i'm missing? Can someone help me fix this problem?!

How to fix my aux kit problems?

Not too long ago I bought a 2003 Honda Accord. The car is obviously not made with Bluetooth or even an auxiliary input, but the previous owner apparently installed an auxiliary kit in the car. But it's a little problematic:
Firstly I've been hearing a high pitched wining sound and sometimes even static when I play music via my iPhone.
Secondly playing music through the radio is awesome, but it's a hassle to switch tracks because the radio controls don't allow me to skip songs (so I have to unlock my phone to do so). What are my options? What should I do?