Rock quiz for the 1D & T.Swift fans?
I think for the perspective's sake, you guys oughta take this little quiz & see how well you know music of the past. No Googling now…
1) Jimi Hendrix was well-know for playing
a) the tuba
b) a Honda accordion
c) guitar
d) the banjo
2) Name the trio Eric Clapton was part of in the '60s
a) Peaches & Herb
b) The Kingston Trio
c) Peter, Paul & Eric
d) Cream
3) Finish the lyric:
"… And she's buying a ____"
a) used car at Marty's
b) Maytag washing machine
c) Black & Decker nail gun
d) Stairway to heaven
4) According to The Rolling Stones, they can't get no?
a) sleep
b) relief from lower back ache
c) satisfaction
d) R-E-S-P-E-C-T
5) Name all 4 Beatles:
a) Jermaine, Micheal, Tito, & Otis
b) John, Paul, George & Richard
c) Cletus, Leroy, Slappy & Skillet
d) Aretha Franklin