1999 Honda Accord. Check Engine light came on?

It's not flashing, so I hear that's better than flashing. Thing is I'm broke until next week. I have $100 to spend on this car until next pay.

Are there any good spots that check what my problem is for free?
I did research and Maaco offers a free engine check, but I was wondering how reliable and honest are they and if there are any other auto shops worth looking into.

I'm a 21 year old working college student from San Jose, CA in case location was a needed criteria.

Is $20,109 good for a 2014 Honda Accord Ex?

The car has 19,000 miles and it is certified pre owned from a dealer. The warranty for bumper to bumper is good for a year and a half and then the other warranty for just like the engine and something else, I forgot, is 5 years. I plan on financing the car and it would be 209 a month for I don't remember how many months but the total is somewhere around $20,109.

Is this a good investment? Should I pass?
I'm not completely sure how I feel because I feel like the dealership is pushing it down my throat and it makes me very skeptical.

Comments? Opinions? Thanks for your help!

Added (1). The 20,109 is everything after taxes and fees.

Would you put down on a new car?

Or get your oil leak fix? I have a 97 Honda accord. But I would like to get a civic year 2007. Here's a pic below but my current car already paid off.

My Car s electric Window goes down, but doesn't go up?

I own a 2003 Honda Accord LX and I just got it recently. The dealership took the car back to look at a locked door. I went to pick it up after they fixed it now the car window on the driver side rear door doesn't work. It can go down using the master driver side switches for all the windows but the switch won't make it go up. Why is that? The dealership told me that if I get a new panel that fits on the door with the little window switch that plugs into a plug in the car it will start functioning normally. Is that true? What can I do to fix this window?