Why does my car jerk to the right when I hit a bump on the right side?

Recently changed my rotors on a 93 honda accord which requires removing the entire steering knuckle. Replaced the bearings as well and changed the outer tie rods for the second time in less than a year because they wouldn't screw back on. It has NOT been aligned again since. I don't suspect alignment because it doesn't pull when driving on smooth roads. It only jerks to the right when I hit a bump or pot hole with the right front tire. Stabilizer links in good shape. All suspension less than a year old except the inner tie rods. I suspected faulty outer tie rods but I don't experience much play when I jack it up and try to turn the tire manually. The car is not lowered or raised. It has gotten worse and I'm afraid to drive fast or let my wife drive at all. I'm taking it to my father in-law's work for him to check it out Monday. Not sure if I should even wait that long. Any ideas?

Radio face stopped working in 1994 Honda accord?

So i was off roading in my accord and may have slid out of control and ran over a tree… Anyways after that my radio face stopped turning on. Any advise fixing it would be much appreciated

I was rear ended badly and now back hurts, what should i do legally?

So i was on my roommates car at a red light when some junky on a 2009 Honda accord ran into my rear. I almost hit the car in front of me. She tried to run but I tracked her down thanks to the police and my quick thinking. I took her to small claims court (she didn't show) and turns out she doesn't have insurance and a suspended licence for another hit and run. I was on my roomies car so it had insurance but not for me so i basically paid $2,300 to get it repaired and about a week after my mid back started hurting like a knife stabbed in there.
Two months fast forward to now back still hurts esp when i sit. Someone who experienced this before please advise me on this, i'm a college student and basically spent all my savings on the repair and a few doctors visits but they won't treat me because it was a car accident. She never paid me for the damages just keeps giving me sob stories like she's the victim here.

Added (1). I didn't have a car at that time and didn't have insurance.

Added (2). I live in the state of WA. Like i said i'm basically living check to check because i blew away my security money on this stuff.

Should I upgrade to a better car?

I'm 20 years old right now in college working part time and living at home. I go to a community college that also offers bachelor degrees through other universities for a fraction of the price so I don't have any student debt and probably never will. My parents don't charge me rent as long as I'm studying so the only major bill I have is my car loan. I make about $800 a month maybe a little less. I have a 2008 Honda Accord coupe V6 EXL so it comes with navigation, Bluetooth, leather seats, heated seats, power everything and more. It has 76k miles on it. I did a quick value on it online and it came out to $13.5k. I can probably get it paid off in about a year and a half and hopefully be worth around $11k at the least since Hondas don't lose a lot of value which I can use as the down payment plus what I can save up for the new car. I want to buy a car worth around $25k. My credit score right now is 760 and it's just going to get better when I pay off my car, I also always pay all my bills never a late payment or an interest charge. I know just from a financial point of view it wouldn't be a good idea but I have a passion for cars it's what I like. I don't spend money partying every weekend, or on drugs, or alcohol, I don't even go out that much. So I would rather spend my extra money and time on cars. So do you guys think I should do it?

I think my car's energy or electricity level may be low?

Problems have been occurring in my car, it's not recently. My car was a handi down and has about 80,000 miles on it. I drive a Honda 98 accord and the power seems low for some reason. For example, when I lower or raise a window in my car; my AC power reduces a bit and I think that the electricity shifts to the windows so it can work better. Another one, my windows down quite slowly. A few months ago, the battery or starter wasn't working occasionally but as of now, I think it's repaired temporarily; maybe this information could help.
Sorry, I don't really know much about cars but it's a problem I want to fix.

Should I buy a new battery/ starter or should I replace fuses or wires somewhere?

Is my car dealership beating me out of my money?

I bought a honda accord 2001 from a used dealership for $8000 last February. I've been paying $75 a week, so $396 a month for my car note and just realized I should of just bought a new car if I was going to pay that much. Anyway I guess my car dealership has a new manager and he's telling me I have to pay 149 a week(single parent, one job, 3 kids) and he's not willing to break up the payment to $75 a week, he will still be getting the $396. The car has been broken since I've got it, two weeks in with the car and it needed a new catalytic converter. The new guy also said I'll be having to pay the $396 for around 10 more years, I really think I'm getting played for my money. What should I do about it? I was thinking about giving the car back up but I have to work and get my kids to school, plus I want to build my credit

Finding the right used car online? Any programs that will let me customize what i want in my model/make?

I'm currently looking to buy a used honda accord, the only problem is I'm not sure what year, or trim level i want. I'm looking for some kind of program online that will allow me to type in the model/make i want, but also that allows me to choose the options I'm looking for in my car. (sunroof.4wd.leather seats. Etc.) any ideas?! Or any advice on how to pick out the trim level/year that would be right for what I'm looking for?