2008 Honda Accord ex-l coupe?

Ok so my question is when I slam the gas pedal to the floor I hear like a leaking sound or more like something spraying under the hood. I'm not sure how else to explain it but yea I've never had that problem before. I think it may be because my mom over cranks the engine and now I've gotta deal with a rattling sound too because of her. Anybody have any ideas? Could it be connected to the fact that it has gotten over cranked I have this "spraying" and "rattling" sound? Oh and for the rattling sound I only hear it when my car is idle other than that I can't really tell if it still rattles or not.

Honda accord driver door panel?

So i was waiting in line for sonic with my card in my hand and i was tapping it on the window which was rolled down and i accidentally dropped it through the window slot down into the door. How do i get it out? Is it very hard or risky to take the door panel off?

New driver, new car or used car?

New driver, new car or used car? - 1

Added (1). I'm 18 planing to get my license in the next week. My question is new, pre-owned, or used car? If new I would consider a 2014 honda accord which is 18,000 $. Or used 1999 honda civic -2004 honda civic. Which will be better for new drivers? I know insurance will be super high but I was told new car benefits outweigh the cost of it and its better than a used car. I found a 1997 honda civic 2dr coupe 4cyl for $2,000 with 123,000 miles which I'm considering. How much will I spend on repairs?

What's wrong with my Honda accord?

I have a 1990 accord, I don't know much about the car. A week ago, I stopped to get gas. After I pumped up, I got back in and started it in neutral. But when I would try and put it into gear it wouldn't go. (My clutch is pushed in) if I push hard enough it will grind the gear. So, I turned the car off. I start the car in first gear and it'll run but as it's moving the clutch smells like it's burning. After about 2 hours of sitting in the parking lot. The car worked. I got it home. The next day it did the same thing. It's kinda random when it will work.

96 automatic 2.2 vtec abs Honda Accord making loud noise when accelerating and coasting?

The sound is like a bad exhaust, but while idling it sounds perfect. The sound gets louder as my speed goes higher. And the sound stays constant as I'm coasting. We jacked the car and put it in gear and it does make that sound and the transmission sounds good. Also abs light comes on when I get to 15 mph. But when we jack the car and put it into gear and gas it the light stays off. Any ideas?

1994 Honda Accord Exhaust

I know that there's one cat. Converter underneath the car, but I don't see on connected to the exhaust manifold, and I'm wondering if there's another cat. Somewhere else in the exhaust system? My second question is: Is there any type of sensor on the cat.(s) that would cause my problems if I were to straight pipe it.
My third question is: Is there a certain amount of back pressure that needs to be on the engine as to not burn out the computer.