Does my car need a new battery, or What's wrong with it?

I drive a 2007 Honda Accord EX 2.4L (4 cylinder) I got it back in august 2014 (4.5 Months) Just earlier this week I've noticed like if I have my car off all night and its very cold the following morning my car kind of hesitates to crank like it has a small delay when I turn the key to start it. But it only seems to be that first crank of the day and when it is very cold. I told my dad and he immediatley said its the battery. But he isn't a mechanic and has never worked on a car. Do cars always do this when it's cold, should I be worried, Should I go ahead and a new battery, Do I NEED a new battery? Someone please help. Depth details please!

Inside of my car smells like gas when I start it?

The inside of my car smells like gas when I start it?

Added (1). When I start my car, sometimes a strong, potent smell of gasoline will fill the inside of my car and then it'll eventually go away?

I have a click button starter and when I press the button in the morning to warm it up, I'll open my car door and it'll be really bad. Sometimes I'll notice some drainage in my car port, like a small puddle sort of near the exhaust but more in the center of the trunk. I drive a 2001 Honda Accord. I get the oil in my car changed every 3 months and get it mainten

What kind of a car should I buy?

What kind of a car should I buy?

Added (1). Hi!

I'm basically currently trying to sell my first car, 98 Chevy Cavalier that I've had for three years
since I've been 16 and I'm about to turn 19!

Anyways, for my second car, I want a manual, something fun(powerful) to drive,
something that's fun to customize(subs, turbo, interior/exterior additions, etc…),
good on gas(somewhere between 30-40 MPG!), and I want a car that looks like an 87 honda accord
but anything is good! I'm also interested in hatchbacks and stuff.

Added (2). Oh and I'm looking to spend no more than 2500 on the car (initially).

What is the ground clearance on he 2011 Honda Accord sedan?

What is the ground clearance on he 2011 Honda Accord sedan?

Added (1). I'm interested in purchasing one but after reviewing multiple specification charts I still can't find how high it sits off of the ground. Nearly all other vehicles have this information available. Does anyone know or have a 2011 they can run out and measure? Thank you!

Note: NOT the Honda Accord Crosstour or coupe, I'm looking specifically at the 2011 Honda Accord sedan.

My 1994 honda accord ex will stall unless: i unplug tps, start car, plug tps back in?

Car seems like it has a really bad misfire upon cold startup, but then smooths out after driving for a minute. At low Rpms it also acts like it has a bad misfire until I give her more gas. The car will stall out if I don't unplug throttle position sensor before starting the car. Replaced the sensor and the problem remains. It seems fuel related but I'm not a mechanic no matter how hard I try to be, anyone have suggestions? Also, the car will idle fine upon cold startup with the sensor plugged in. But when I put it in drive and take off then come to a stop it stalls out. P.s there's a popping sound that comes from the muffler when it seems to misfire

98 honda accord lx dash lights come on and battery smokes?

Okay when I bought the car a belt was sqeeking I believe it's the one connected to my alternator the serpentine belt I believe not 100% sure but I made it tight and stopped the squeaking so months later my main headlight bulb blows out nothing wrong drove to work and back fine next day turn my car on to get a new bulb my battery light door lights and another light comes on can't think off top of my head. Car runs fine my radio would go off and on sometimes then got a new bulb and had my battery tested it was fine and switched out my bulb and after that my bright head lights blow out so I drove it to a town a hour a way and back during that time my radio would stay on and threw the whole time my dash lights would go off and on and realized they only come on while I push on the gas so later on the road my dash lights wouldn't come on so figured my car was alright by the time I got home my battery under the positive side was smoking. And had a funny smell I turned off my car took the positive off it was very lose and waited fo mechanic looked at it she found a wire which is my negitive ground wire was pretty much done it was open and blueish green so I bought all new ground wires and clap and tighted my positve clap. And charged my battery and said it was maintaining its charge And still same problems my car still runs but unsure of the problem and don't want to drive it to cause more damage any help you can give me it's very appreciative and am on a very very tight budget.

95 honda accord shifts from 1st to neutral and stays there. VSS or worse?

I have a 95 accord that stopped shifting correctly on the way home. I can get it into reverse, but it is very hesitant to go into first. When it goes to shift to second while accelerating, it drops to neutral and stays there until the car comes to a stop. Once the car warms up it seems worse and doesn't want to go into 1st at all. Tranny fluid is full and relatively clean. "D4" light is not flashing. Check engine turned in a few times in the last week but turned back off preventing me from scanning. Someone suggested it may be the speed sensor but I'm skeptical. Any experts or folks with experience possibly able to shed some light on this?

2000 Honda Accord Fuel Pump Issues?

2000 Honda Accord Fuel Pump Issues?

Added (1). I have a 2000 Honda Accord v6. I parked my car into the parking lot today, went to the store, and when I started up my car the engine died 2 seconds after. I tried a few more times and it did the same. It starts normally, but dies in seconds. I tried again and gave it some gas this time to keep it running, which worked. It eventually idled fine and I drove it through stop lights and stop signs and it ran perfectly fine. Just the starting of the engine was difficult. Fuel pump/filter perhaps?