Acura/honda integra v6 swap?

I was wondering how much work, money & time it would take to do a v6(6th gen accord v6) swap on a late 90s integra

Totaled my car hydroplaning

Well a couple days ago I was driving probably too fast around a curb and I hydroplaned and went off the road and through some trees and back into a ditch. There were no other people or cars involved, although apparently my car was pretty badly damaged, the insurance guy came to our house today and said my car was too damaged to reasonably fix so within 48 hours theyll tell us how much they can give us. I was wondering how much I should expect? I live in georgia and the car was a 2004 Honda accord i'm not sure exactly all the damage but I just need maybe an estimate to make me feel better?

2000 honda accord v6 won't start neeh

It was working fine when i left work and. I get home and try and go out again it doesn't start it just clicks one time.
Tried jumping car no luck batterys only a month old and altenator looks fine. Could it be the starter? Need help please

1995 honda accord turn signals not working?

I'm installing a sub woofer and I had to take the dash apart. I disconnected the hazard switch, clock, and 12 volt plug. The turn signal controls on the steering Colum aren't broken. Is it because the hazard switch isn't plugged in or is it something more?

2000 v6 honda accord won't start?

I drove home from work started right up then i went to leave my house i try and start the car all it does is click one time thats it i have power everywhere all electronic windows and radio work

What could it be i'm thinking starter i put a battery in a month ago altenator looks like new.

What is wrong with my car? - 1

98 honda accord shakes and stalls out after about 5 mins of driving but then starts up again after several mins. Check engine light is on.

Can I still drive my 2003 Honda Accord LX 2.4L VTEC with P2646 code?

This morning as I was driving the check engine light came on, stepped hard on gas and it seemed as the car was going to die (rpms going crazy only when I step on gas hard) I accelerate normally and it doesn't do that drives fine, went to autozone they told me I had a P2646 code checked my engine oil it was a bit low so added more oil. Will the code go away, if not can I drive it for two more weeks or will it break down if I don't change the Vtec solenoid.(Autozone guy told me it was this part)