Honda Accord wheel covers?

I have a 97 Honda accord and it has 4 lugs and I just want to get wheel covers to go over the wheel because the ones on my car are hideous I just hate the design and the wheel covers I want are five lug but there not really lugs its just a plastic cover the dude at autozone told me it didn't matter the wheel cover fits between my lugs and a woman at hilltop Honda (a Honda junk yard near me) said it did matter what lug the wheel covers are and I just wanna kno lol

2008 Acura TL S type vs 2012 Acura TL SH-AWD?

I'm looking to get a used Acura TL for my first car. I don't want more than 50k miles on it if possible. I don't really like the look of the front of the newer Acura TL's, but I like the older generation (like the 2007 and 2008) I also don't like how many buttons there are in the newer TL(looks like older honda accord) , but I like the older TL interior styling. Is there really a big difference between the power/0-60 times of the TL-SH-AWD and the S-Type? And is there also a ride quality/comfort difference? I like the AWD on the newer TL, but after doing some research it seems like the S-type is quicker, which I like. Any help on deciding which model to go with?

What's a good sporty reliable car?

Something that's less than $7k. I have a Honda accord coupe 2000, but it has 180k miles already. I'm sure it will still last with the proper maintenance but I need to start looking for another options. Please help with suggestions, and please give me reliable cars only

Added (1). I forgot to say, I'm not mainly focused on speed. I'm a teenager, but I care much more about reliability than power.

2000 Honda Accord burning a lot of oil on the highway but not in town?

I have about 212k miles on it. It runs great. I did have some problems with the VTEC oil sensor but I think it was due to low oil to begin with.
The thing is, driving around town for the last 2-3 months, about 200 miles worth, no oil consumption hardly at all. But once I hop on the highway and go 70 miles its almost a quart and a half low? I don't see any smoke and there doesn't appear to be a leak. A little leakage around distributor but not a quarts worth I don't think.

My real question would be whether the VTEC sensor being stuck is actually causing it to burn more on the highway or something like that? Any input would be appreciated!

Why does my tranny slip only when it is cold?

Why does my tranny slip only when it is cold?

Added (1). I have a 1997 Honda Accord 4 speed auto with the engine having about 225k and the tranny having <90k. This only happens when the engine is cold. Once it gets warm, it shifts like a dream.

Is it better to move a car across country or sell it and buy a used car there?

I have a '99 Honda Accord and live in California. I go to school in Indiana. For the past year and a half I have been without a means of transportation because I leave my car at my parents house. My biggest concerns with bringing it to college are that the paint is pretty old (original paint for the most part, still very nice coat) and that the battery, tires, etc are not good in snow. It only snows about 5 inches tops the entire winter it seems. The pros are that it is very reliable, up to date with maintenance, and completely paid for.

The other argument is that I sell it to my parents and sibling for his car and buy myself another out there. The drawback is that I'm gambling with reliability, I can only afford up to a $4000 car, and I would likely have to move it back to Cali later in the year and back again in the fall

2004 Honda accord radio not working well?

I recently got a used 2004 Honda accord EX, and everything is working fine but the radio. What is odd to me is that some stations work, and some don't. For instance, 106.1 sounds perfectly clear, but 101.9 doesn't work at all.

The sound that comes from non functioning stations is a loud fuzzy noise. It's as if the station is overrun with static, and is very annoying. I've looked all over the Internet but haven't found anyone with the same problem.

Please, if anyone knows what the problem is here or needs me to clear anything up, let me know.

What are my options (or any advice you can offer) when a mechanic has negligently repaired something?

Basically, our cars motor was running fine, but the transmission was shot. We took it in to get rebuilt, and have had some shady stuff going on with the mechanic.

After lying to us (and admitting to it afterwards) about a broken part, we found that the car will now barely stay running. It is much worse than when we brought it in, and the part that they broke which they are now repairing (which they are saying is causing the problem) should not be causing the car to do what its doing, based on my previous experience with that part on another car.

He is repairing that part, but I would like to know what my options are if its still running badly afterwards and he tries screwing me over. I've contacted the tire place that did a simple inspection on it a few months back and they are going to try to put something together as proof of the cars prior condition, but i'm not sure if that'll be enough. What are my options? Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

Added (1). Now he is saying that they found something else wrong with some kind of converter and thats what is causing the issue. He is vehemently denying that his shop did it, although my car was running smoothly before he touched it. He is now offering to replace that part, but I htink he expects us to pay for it. I've got my state inspection record and inspection from firestone as well all done within the last 3 months. Maybe that will help… I'm feeling completely powerless right now.

Added (2). Oh and the part that they originally broke, which they said was causing the issue before this new thing, was the throttle body hose. BTW they also broke the snaps that held our air filter box and used sheetrock screws to screw it into the plastic.