91 Honda Accord Belt Sqeels And Loses Power on Acceleration?

My 1991 Honda Accord 214xxx miles Has Always Had a Belt Sqeel Only On Startup and lasts Only 4 secs
But Recently since winter is coming its colder and the belt sqeels longer on startup as well as this new problem of when i accelerate it sqeels louder and i feel the car like not speeding up or no acceleration with it sqeeling like the belt is not grabbing and its not accelerating the car once the sqeeling stops i gain power again and can accelerate Normally
Now The Belt I Think The Serpentine Belt Its Called its Connected to the alternator and the 2nd belt is connected to the power steering which belt do i need to work on the belts are tight as they should be so what is causing the sqeeling and slipping?

I almost wrecked and even though I didn't its really messing with my head?

I drive a Honda Accord and I was almost smashed by a big 9 passenger company van that ran a stop sign. I know it was not my fault and I know it didn't happen, but I'm still very upset and I've cried a lot. I'm not sure why it's messing with me this much. I'm about to start my period so that may be why I'm so emotional but I'm also shaking and I got very light headed and I just want to go to bed.
I was not injured because we didn't collide, she stopped the van about a foot away from the middle of my car.

VTEC Solenoid leak or rear engine mount?

VTEC Solenoid leak or rear engine mount?

Added (1). On my 01 Honda Accord, I have a cracked rear engine mount and a leaking VTEC solenoid. Having both the VTEC solenoid repaired together will cost around $800. Which should I rather get repaired first?

My car was stolen last night?

So my car was stolen last night, i'm so angry and i don't know what happened. I have a 1995 honda accord automatic. I went out last night to do some hhomework at starbucks and came back like at 9ish and parked my car in the driveway next to my dads van as i usually do. When i woke up it wasn't there anymore. There's no broken glass or any debris on the driveway that could show that it was stolen by force. I did however found a long twig from a branch/tree but i don't know if the burglar used that to break in. I usually put the alarm but my key chain broke and was just manually locking it. I filed a police report in this morning but i feel hopeless in ever finding my car. I'm scared that they already dismantled it and took parts from it. I've had this car for almost 2 years now and never experienced this and i do live in the number city in auto theft (google it, its in california)

I've been stressed with finals and now i can't even study for my last final tomorrow. I also want to get a second job but with no car i don't think that will happen soon.

I don't know what to do? I know its my fault that i didn't protect well enough and i shouldve gotten at least a steering wheel lock.
ugh i'm so overwhelmed I'm having a horrible week:/

Anyone here had their car stolen before? If so did the police ever find it?

Is it okay to drive a new car on a road trip?

2 days ago I bought a 2015 Honda Accord Sport. My friends and I want to travel to Atlanta this weekend which is about 1,400 miles from where I live. Is it okay to put that many miles on the car so fast?

Is 2,500$ a good price for a 1996 Honda Accord?

So I'm about to get my drivers license and there's a 1996 Honda Accord for sale in my neighborhood for 2,500$. The car has 170,000 miles and has a lot of dents in it. There's a long black scratch on the side of the door, below the right headlight it's all scratched up, and on the back door where the tire is there's a lot of black, white, and brown scratches on it. There are 3 other dents but they are small. So is 2,500$ a good price for this 18 year old beat up car? I'm going to talk to my parents about it but I want your opinions thanks!

2001 Honda Accord Dies When I Start it?

Sometimes my car dies when I start it. Every time it was driven and a while and it was raining. I had to give it a little gas to get it to start? It just got new belts and spark plugs. Any suggestions?

Added (1). 2001 with 65,000 miles.