K my abs light on my honda accord failed wof fulla said its not working at all any idea?
K my abs light on my honda accord failed wof fulla said its not working at all any idea?
K my abs light on my honda accord failed wof fulla said its not working at all any idea?
I went to go drive my car last night. It started up, but as I sat parked in the driveway it was idling rough (it felt like the engine was missing every few seconds). Then after about thirty seconds the car just shut off. Tried to restart and it wouldn't go. The engine cranks, but it won't turn over. Tried jumping it, no luck. Replaced the battery and the spark plugs already. Not sure what to check next. I'm driving a 99 Honda Accord ex 4 cylinder. Appreciate any help!
Added (1). Thank you, you're right I did mean that it won't fire up. I'll check out the ignition switch and main relay next.
I have a honda accord 1999 i bought it of my uncle he said alternator is brand new and the batter is also new not even a year he bought it he said but when i turn it on it makes the clicking noise when a battery is dead I was using it before driving around to see how it runs but then i turned it off and try to turn it on again and it just would not turn on what's the problem?
Why Honda discontinued S2000 while Mazda are still making Miata, BMW making their Z5?
Added (1). Why Honda gave up this market share instead of making the S2000 a long series such as civics and accords… Don't people love s2000s? It got the look and it has power… I don't know why people would buy Miata rather than s2000… Is it because of price?
I just replaced broken front motor mount on my 2001 Honda Accord V6with an aftermarket mount (Fluid filled). Now I have a vibration in the steering wheel and front end when I'm idling.
My questions: How good are these after market mounts? Do they require a break in period?
Is a 2009 Honda Accord coupe with 110k miles for $9,000 a good buy?
I have a carbureted 1989 Honda Accord LX 2.0, automatic, with no air conditioning. It runs extremely well for 90% of the time. But intermittently it will idle at a very low speed and start to shutter and want to stall when idling. If I put it in neutral, it will bring up the idling speed enough to where it won't stall. This will happen once every so often and usually if I leave it until the next day, it's back to running just fine. We have changed the vacuum advance, spark plugs, and air filter. And the mechanic said that both fuel filters were fine. If anyone has any ideas or advice, it would be appreciated. I wonder if its a carburetor problem?
I just bought a 2000 honda accord and i'm looking to buy a new sound system. Now i love country and some rap but i do like to get some bass going every once in a while now would it be better to buy a good amplifier
and some good speakers other than buy a amp, okay speakers, but get two 10" subs?
"For I did not speak of my own accord" John 12:49a Added (1). Here's the proof:
I have a 1994 Honda Accord it is overheating but has no thermostat?