2000 Honda Accord Won't Go Into Any Gears At All?

I Bought A 2000 Honda Accord And While I Was Driveing On The Hwy It Just Quite Pulling And I Pulled To The Side Of The Road And When I Got The Car To Stop I Tried To Get The Car To Move It Would Not Move In Any Gear At All I Tried Putting It In Park And It Made Very Lound Like Clicking Sound And If I Would Take It Out Of Park It Would Stop The Sound But The Car Would Not Move At All But The Car Starts Up Fine And The Engine Revs Ups Fine Like It Is Normal But It Does Not Move In Any Gear The Car acts Like It Is In Neutral But It Is Not If Anybody Could Help I Would Appreciate it Thanks

Power steering fluid foam?

I have a 2003 Honda Accord(sedan) 3.0 liter v6 with 140,000 miles and when I turn my car on the Power steering fluid is Foaming out the top and it make a loud noise… Any suggestions?

Should i cancel my car insurance?

I have a 1997 honda accord that just recently broke down(engine problems,2,200 $ to repair) and i've been thinking about cancelling my car insurance until i get a new car rather than pay hundreds of dollars a month for something that doesn't even move.

Does a tahoe battrry affect a 2000honda accord if installed?

I was fixing my truck and hooked up this small car vac on my 2000 honda accord and for got to unplugg and it drained my battery. I got a jump then car started to crank very low but I continue to drive until the battery smoked and smell like ritten eggs. Almost blew up on me. Then car never crancked after. So I took the battery off my 2000 tahoe and put it on the accord. So far no problems but will it do damage to the car because its bigger?