Does it sound like my Car has a petrol leak?

I have a 1999 Honda Accord and there's a really strong smell .Petrol and the petrol gauge is going down far too quickly and it start leaking when I fill it up even though I know its not too full.

I took it to mechanic and he has he has to take the whole gas tank out to see what is the culprict and the way its set up, it wil be very costly so he suggested I get another car? Can I drive this car for 2 more months or would that be too dangerous?

Added (1). I can afford to get it fixed but it might not be worth it as the car has other issues.So I'm going to get a newer car instead

Should I donate my car or should I junk it?

My 91 honda accord would not start up nor would the key shift when placed in the ignition. My mechanic was able to start it up but told me that my key lock cylinder needed to be replaced and that it would cost about 800 to fix. I don't think its worth it to fix so I'm wondering if it would be more beneficial to just pay the mechanic fees ($120 for diagnosis and getting the car to start), donate it fof a tax deduction (which means I'm out $120 from the get go, but get some kind of tax deduction) or if I should give it to a junk yard offering me $120 (meaning I would "break even").

My car is overheating, the heater doesn't work, and only a half gallon of coolant comes out of 3 gallon cooling system

So, I have a 2000 honda accord sedan with the v6 engine. It was overheating, so I replaced the thermostat. That was a year ago. I noticed that there was some gunk in the tubes but because I'm a n00b I left it and didn't think much of it. It was still overheating in the summer, so I just made do the best I could. Then comes winter, not overheating much (gotta love Montana winters) but alas, the heater doesn't work. The tube going into the heater core is hot and the one coming out is cold. Which doesn't make sense, because it wasn't plugged up anyways and it's not leaking. Anyways, fast forward, I try to empty my cooling system so I can do a complete flush, and only a half a gallon of coolant comes out of the radiator. Only a half a gallon goes back in too. It's supposed to hold 3 gallons. I don't really want to mess around fixing 10 different things, does anyone know what really needs to be fixed or replaced? Once I know I can either fix it or hire someone, but I don't want to do that until I know exactly what the problem is and how I can fix it.

My car is 19 years old?

I have a 1999 Honda accord that has a lot of kilometres on it. Its very reliable for most part because I maintain it. However, I have hard time passing the emission test because the check engine light keeps coming back on. I always have to spend mine on repairs to clear it so I can pass the emission test.

Now this Gas gauge, pedometer and the display to show the mileage stopped working. I still drive it for now but I know these things will make it fail for emission test

I got approve for line of credit for my bank for $41,000 so I could get a brand-new car even if I wanted to. Will this car just become a money pit? Time to move on?

Added (1). I have to add that I'm not buying a 41k car. I might spend 10 or 15 k on a newer car

Vote: 2018 Toyota Camry vs 2018 Honda Accord?

I plan on purchasing a new car this summer. I'm mainly interested in the all new Toyota Camry or Honda Accord. I need your opinion on which vehicle you think has a better exterior design.