What can I do with my totaled car

My car was hit outside my house while it was parked at like 5:00Am. The person who was driving had a Hertz rental vehicle. I also belive that they were drunk. Long story short I forgot to pay my insurance the night before and it lapsed at 1200Am right before my car was hit.

I contacted Hertz and they said they don't know who was driving the car and who or why they had it and there were no records of a rental of that car. They sent me over to their insurance company which is ESIS, and they also told me the same thing. They also don't have the police report of the accident and when i've called the police department myself, they haven't filed it either. I have to give it at least 45 days before the department has the information.

I'm basically getting the run around from both sides and I don't have the contact information of the other party, only the address. ESIS has stopped picking up my calls altogether, I call everyday.

My car is a 2014 Honda Accord, I paid half but a Credit Union technically still owns it. There's about 11,000 more that I owe and i'm still paying the insurance and the monthly car payment which is about 600 in total…

this happened a month ago

WHAT DO I DO Please Help.

Will flooring it in first gear damage your car? (Auto)?

Yesterday I was driving back from the store with girlfriend and she was sitting with her feet up by the center console. She bumped the gear shifter into drive 1 or drive 2 and I didn't realize it till I hopped on the freeway. I pressed the gas pretty hard and realized the problem when the RPMs went to 6 / 7 (the red) and the car wouldn t pick up speed. I instantly pulled off the gas and then put the car in drive 4. I have experienced no issues with my car thus far. Will everything be okay? It's an 02 Honda Accord

Honda accord keeps getting hot?

My 2004 honda accord ex 2.4 keeps getting hot, after around 5 minutes or less when I first start it it starts going up and then like 10 minutes later its all the way on the red line we replaced the thermostat what else could it be? My sister drove it around 140 miles with it on hot almost to the red line could she have messed up the engine? Is there anyway to check it if its worth fixing or getting a new engine?

Cach xoa loi den SRS tren xe honda accord 2000?

Toi co chiec xe honda accord 2000, bi noi den do bao loi " SRS". Nay toi muon reset loi nay. Ai biet cach chi gium. Thanks so much.
Can you help me how to reset SRS light in honda accord 2000?

I hate the car that my parents bought for me?

I just turned 16 on February 10th and my parents got me a car for my birthday. They got me a 2009 Honda Accord. I know its not that old, but it has problems. When I drive it the car stops at random times, it's dangerous. And the window doesn't work. I can't even go through a drive thru because the window won't go down. What should I do? How should I tell my parents that i hate it and that I want a new car?

I have a 2006 Honda Accord EX 4-cylinder car with 175,000 miles on it. My radio suddenly stopped working last week while driving?

My radio suddenly stopped working last week while driving. I tried to power it back on, but was unable to do so. It stayed off until we got to our destination. Then serveral hours later, we started home and it powered back on. However, since then I have been unable to power it on. I checked/replaced the f10 amp fuse (radio #5), but it was not blown.

I had the xm radio antenna replaced a month ago, because the garage door met the antenna box on the roof of the car while backing out of the garage and damaged it. The Honda dealer replaced it. It worked fine (XM radio, FM, AM, CD) however for several weeks until the incidnet occurred last week.

Any ideas?

Added (1). I just went out and checked every fuse in the cabin and the BACKUP/ACC 40 amp fuse in the engine compartment,

They were all good, but after removing/re-inserting the cabin fuses, the radio now powers on?

Added (2). I noticed that there was some sort of energizing noise when I re-inserted a few of these. Perhaps these were relays?