PLaying music by USB in my car?

Here's my situation:

- I have Honda Accord V6 2001
- No USB port (wtf?)
- There's cd player, but not working.
- There's a tape adapter

How can I play my music in the USB? I prefer the USB 'cause it's portable and easy to remove.

Added (1). Sorry I mad mistake, there's a place to put the tape in, not tape adapter I guess…

Does it have a cigaret lighter? They do have USB adapters for those. That's what one of my friends had to do for his old truck before he sold it.

Need a player (ie mp3 player). The tape adapter just transfer the sound/signal.

How long do you think the USB connection has been around fer cripes sakes? 1997.

An FM receiver can be used on ANY car… Plugs into the cigarette lighter or any 12 V cigarette style outlet can be used and has a plug for your phone/MP3 player and you tune in to an unused FM radio station. The one I used had a plug specifically for an iPhone 4/4S, but there will be ones for any sort of music player with a USB or 3.5mm headphone jack. Obviously, sound quality will not be the best. Its a convenience connection and nothing more than that.

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