Power steering fluid foam? - 1
I have a 2003 Honda Accord(sedan) 3.0 liter v6 with 140,000 miles and when I turn my car on the Power steering fluid is Foaming out the top and it make a loud noise I just changed the pump but it didn't fix the issue… Any suggestions?
That foam is what happens when air is being sucked into the pump. There's a flatten/pinched o-ring on the pump, or a loose clamp or fitting on one of your hoses. Inspect the hoses carefully for any traces or fluid leaks. That level of foaming, to me, seems too aggressive for just a leaking hose. I highly suspect a old flattened o-ring that should have been replaced, or one of the o-rings got damaged when you were installing the pump.
In my (limited) experience it is very hard to get foam out of Honda power steering systems, The only way I found to do it was to remove the belt from the pump, remove the cap from the reservoir, and turn the pump by hand so it slowly replaces foam that is caught in the system with unfoamy fluid. When foam no longer appears in the reservoir, reassemble and give it a try. I fought foam for three days after replacing a pump and this was the only way to settle it down. Once it started circulating foam it just folded more air into it.
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