Steam coming from Under Hood (2000 honda accord LX). What is the name of this hose that seems to be cracked?

So I was driving and saw steam/my car was overheating and I parked. Coolant reservoir was empty so I filled it, and it looked like there's a crack in the hose in the photo in the link. Its not a radiator hose but I'm not sure what it is, hopefully it isn't a hard fix. Thanks

Steam coming from Under Hood 2000 honda accord LX. What is the name of this hose that seems to be cracked

Looks like a coolant hose to the throttle body. Just get a new one. Not a hard fix.

There are a lot of hoses in the pics. The large one?

That's a coolant line meant to warm the carburetor for extremely cold days, to heat up the incoming air. About half of them get blocked off or bypassed on old cars because they do very little good and can be a lot of trouble.