AC only works when the fuse for the Radio located under the hood is removed. Any one know how to fix this?

I need help with my 2012 Honda Civic LX. The AC only works when I take out the fuse for the radio in the box located under he hood. And if I want the radio on I have to put the fuse back in but the ac doesn't blow out cold air. I drive for Uber and I'm sure passenger would like both when riding.

Check all the fuses and relays- especially the ones related to the AC.

As nobody here knows the maintenance history of your car, what repairs it's had, nor whether the radio is original or an aftermarket fitment, it's impossible to offer anything other than guesses.

The most obvious guess is that you've had one or more electrical accessories installed, and whoever did it tapped into the wrong wires.

You'll need to see an auto electrician for this. The cause is likely fairly simple unless the car has ever been involved in a major collision or was bought cheaply after flood damage.

A mechanic with a test light and a multimeter would be able to fix your car. We could only guess here. Obviously the radio is disabling the AC circuit and will require troubleshooting to find the cause.

How did I KNOW your screen name was '?'.
Oh yeah, your details are IMPOSSIBLE, and you have at least a dozen TROLL accounts.
It is physically IMPOSSIBLE to screw up the wiring in such a way for what you claim to be true and still have a vehicle that works.