Transmission slipping?

It's low on fluid and I haven't really had it changed so will it probably need to be rebuilt? It's an automatic Honda accord 1997!

Add fluid first, but chances are pretty good it will need rebuilt, before you put out the money for a rebuild then get a fair bluebook value price.

Refill and try it. If it acts o.k then find the leak and repair it. Honda is a drain and fill only. It has a filter but its internal and to replace that you would need pull transmission apart

Add some fluid and see if it still slips. If it doesn't still slip, you will have to find and fix the leak.

Try filling the right amount of the RIGHT TYPE of fluid before you go buy a new transmission. It may only need tightening up. Check the drain plug and cooler lines if you don't see leaking in other places such as the transmission pan. If the pan leaks, it will need a new gasket.

It's well worth draining and replacing the old fluid with fresh. If there's a filter in the system, clean or replace that too. Transmission fluid does actually wear out. It loses viscosity and this can result in malfunction.

Their might be a leak, but I'd check with your mechanic

When any automatic transmission slips it needs rebuilding or replacing.

It is yes

Transmission slipping - low on fluid