What is better the Toyota Camry or Honda Accord?

I own a 2016 Honda Accord and she owns a 2016 Toyota Camry and she says her car is a bit better than mine longevity wise. What y'all think?

Get a bicycle. Much cheaper and will keep you fit.

The first new car I bought was an 1989 Accord LXi coupe. While I liked it, it had a couple of expensive repairs (radiator and A/C). Lots of trouble with the power window modules, too. I'd probably still opt for an Accord in the 2016 range because you can get it with a stick-shift.

They are both fine vehicles if you take care of them.

They are both good cars?

Both are very reliable. It's really a toss up.

Basically the same but since I'm partial to Honda, I'd go with the Accord.

The cars are about the same on paper but hers will have been treated like an appliance

Both are extremely reliable. Just pick the one you prefer. You can't go wrong.

I think it is a stupid thing to debate honestly. They are both decent enough cars.

The overall quality and reliability of the 2016 Camry and Accord are nearly identical. Total tossup.